November 12, 2020by volkan

Dear Business Partners,
We seriously follow the process related to the Covid-19 epidemic, which affects the whole world and spreads rapidly, and we gradually implement the necessary measures in the light of the updated information published by the Ministry of Health and relevant authorities.

Teknova Inc. Ş., our priority, as always, is the health of our company employees and the precautions to be taken regarding this issue. In this context;
– We do not have an employee without a mask or gloves in the company. It is mandatory for all employees to use sterile masks and respirators.

– Employees work at locations as far from each other as possible due to social distance. – We have hand disinfectants that do not require contact with certain points within the company. – Every day, company cleaning is provided without exception, and at the end of 1 working day in 2 days, inside and around the company is disinfected.

– Fever measurements are made to our employees at frequent intervals.

– The use of collective use items such as a water dispenser within the company is prevented, and the needs of company employees (water, etc.) are met individually.

– No materials coming from outside are taken into the company without being disinfected.

– Our guests coming from outside are taken inside under the control of the relevant personnel, their temperature is measured, necessary hygiene measures are provided and in this way, they are accepted into the company.

– No vehicle is taken into the company, including our own vehicles, and the necessary procedures are carried out at the outer door.

– Necessary up-to-date information is provided to our employees under the leadership of our workplace doctor and OHS Specialist.

– Whenever possible, our personnel are provided to work remotely.

Although this epidemic threatens public health, it also negatively affects commercial activities in countries. With the measures we take and the practices we implement, we aim to ensure continuity without compromising the quality of our services, being aware of our responsibilities. By increasing our raw material stocks, we have minimized a potential problem and we have included the use of alternative suppliers in our operations by diversifying our raw material resources from different continents of the world. In this process, our Century Branch will be open and shipment is being made.
We kindly ask you, our valued customers, to plan your stocks and shipping times in order not to have any problems with product supply.

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